Vote for a Democrat (???)


Hello, my name is _________________, and,


If you want an invasion of undocumented alien minors who will need the American taxpayers to pay for their education, health care, food, and social services for the next twenty years;  - vote for a Democrat

If you want America filled with low-wage foreign workers who will not pay any tax; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to pay more in taxes yourself, so the foreigners don't have to;  - vote for a Democrat

If you want INS and ICE to perform as babysitters instead of border guards; - vote for a Democrat

If you want INS and ICE to take the place of the coyotes and smugglers, and secretly transport illegal aliens all over the country to place them in the 50 states; - vote for a Democrat

If you want INS and ICE to expend their entire budget taking care of foreigners, instead of guarding the border, protecting Americans; - vote for a Democrat

If you want that money spent on foreign children, instead of on our own children; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to expand the growing Welfare State even further, rather than the Free State; - vote for a Democrat

If you want a global socialism & a useless U.N. that is financed on the backs of Americans; vote for a Democrat

If you want the nation to be run for the benefit of foreigners, instead of Americans; - vote for a Democrat

If you want Harry Reid to block another 300 bills sent to the Senate from the House of Rep's; - vote for a Democrat

If you want half the politicians in America to try to weaken and undermine the U.S. Constitution, instead of uphold it; - vote for a Democrat

If you want videos on You-Tube to be blamed for terrorist attacks; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to pay more for your health care policies every year for the next six years; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to pay higher deductible amounts on your health care policy; - vote for a Democrat

If you want the government to again,  bail out and pay for all of the private insurance company losses resulting from the implementation of Obamacare over the next three years; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to work only 29 hours a week instead of 40; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to have no benefits at all because of your part-time employment; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to depend on food stamps to be able to eat all week; - vote for a Democrat

If you like paying twice as much for gas for your car or truck; - vote for a Democrat

If you like paying twice as much for your electricity for your home and business; - vote for a Democrat

If you like paying twice as much for your heat in your home; - vote for a Democrat

If you like losing the use of your cheapest source of energy, and the whole coal industry; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to be poor; - vote for a Democrat   If you want to be broke; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to be jobless; - vote for a Democrat    If you want to be homeless; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to be hungry; -vote for a Democrat   If you want to stand in line to get food; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to stand in line to collect unemployment; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to be pushed out of the middle class and eventually below the poverty level; - vote for a Democrat

      (For, the democrat's economy, if allowed to continue, will certainly get you there!)


If you want to be dependent upon, and therein controlled by, the government's bureaucracy; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to see enlarging unemployment lines, rising welfare rolls, and ever-increasing numbers of food stamp recipients; - vote for a Democrat

If you want a decorated American Marine to be left to rot and die in a Mexican jail; - vote for a Democrat

If you want your government to pay disability and SSA to anyone who applies, including every felon released from prison, without verifying the disability or true need; - vote for a Democrat

If you want the big labor Unions to control the workplace, own the politicians, write their own laws, and mandate the participation of all, together with the payment of union dues by every worker; - vote for a Democrat

If you want the IRS to be politicized; vote for a Democrat

If you want the IRS to be used by the government as a weapon against its political or philosophical opposition; - vote for a Democrat

If you want the IRS to be used to attack certain American citizens; - vote for a Democrat

If you want the IRS to be used to attack the churches; - vote for a Democrat

If you want the IRS to be used to attack political organizations that philosophically object to or oppose government policies or candidates; - vote for a Democrat

If you want your veterans to languish & eventually die under an unaccountable VA administration; - vote for a Democrat

If you want the VA bureaucrats to get away with lying about it; - vote for a Democrat

If you want the NSA to have a record of every email that you send and every phone call that you make; - vote for a Democrat

If you want the President to write law by himself, instead of our elected bicameral Congress; - vote for a Democrat

If you want a lawless president; - vote for a Democrat

If you want a lawless government; - vote for a Democrat

If you want a lawless IRS; - vote for a Democrat

If you want  a government that has to be sued to release public information under FOIA; - vote for a Democrat

If you want a lawless ATF, DEA, FBI, NSA, CIA, and EPA; - vote for a Democrat

If you want philosophy and elitist opinion to substitute in place of written law; - vote for a Democrat

If you want the U.S. Constitution to continue to be ignored and violated by the gov't.; - vote for a Democrat

If you want the U.S. Constitution destroyed and replaced; - vote for a Democrat

If you want confusion and chaos and uncertainty in place of coherent and cohesive foreign policy; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to abandon our allies all over the planet; - vote for a Democrat

If you want our government to condemn Israel for defending herself from continuous attack; - vote for a Democrat

If you want our government to sympathize with the Hamas terrorists; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to see the rise and empowerment of the radical Islamic Caliphate State in your lifetime; - vote for a Democrat

If you want the Social Security administration to blindly send maximum amounts of money every month to billionaires like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, and Donald Sterling; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to continue to give money to companies going bankrupt like Solyndra and Abound Solar; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to have unbalanced budgets and a national debt that is spiraling out of control to over 20 Trillion; - vote for a Democrat

If you want a President who spends all his time campaigning and raising money, even when he is not running for office; - vote for a Democrat

If you want a President who spends no time actually representing or leading the country as a whole; - vote for a Democrat

If you want another President who is committed to imposing and enforcing only his unrealistic liberal philosophy and agenda on the American People, not the Constitution or the written law under it; - vote for a Democrat

If you want another President who doesn't even try to represent the American People, or lead the whole country, but rather tries only to rule it by policy, dictum, mandate, and Order, rather than through enacted legislation and written law; - vote for a Democrat

If you want a President who continues to fail to react to any of these developments,  and in fact works to give you more of all of these surreal and nightmarish scenarios; - vote for a Democrat

If you want your government to lie to you, and cover-up all of these improprieties; - vote for a Democrat

If you want a DOJ that does not investigate or pursue the prosecution of obvious crimes; - vote for a Democrat

If you want a DOJ that does nothing to investigate or prosecute any government employee who appears to have committed a crime, no matter how egregious; - vote for a Democrat

If you want a DOJ that only sees "white on black" crime and does nothing but investigate, and allege, racism; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to continue to pour the national treasury into these rat-holes, waste-pits, and irrational policies and programs; - vote for a Democrat

If you want the continuation of all of these unconstitutional operations by all of these out-of-control government agencies; - vote for a Democrat

If you want your government to improperly represent the future unborn generations, instead of today's living citizens and their existing economic reality; - vote for a Democrat

If you want to pay for all of the here-in-above listed government-made catastrophes, for the rest of your life; - vote for a Democrat

If you want TO DESTROY AMERICA in the name of change, as all outlined here-in-above;  - Then you should definitely Vote for a Democrat


But, if you WANT YOUR FREEDOM BACK; if you want the restoration of constitutional operations within all of the agencies of  the federal government; if you want to keep your own wages and your own private property as the Founding Fathers envisioned, and sacrificed to provide for you, then you should vote for me!